Foote Real Estate
Acquisitions / Investments / Property Management
P: (717) 885-8686
F: (717) 814-3138
Selling your mobile home park or apartment community? Tell us about it!

Invest with Foote Real Estate

Helping investors win in real estate.

Foote Real Estate has been investing in and managing real estate since 2002.  More importantly, we have been doing it right and our investors continue to reap the rewards.

Please take a minute to complete our investor questionnaire.

Thank you for your interest in investing with Foote Real Estate.


    Investor Questionairre

    Personal Information

    Investment Information

    * If an investment opportunity became available that interested you, would you have the funds available (please check all that apply):

    * Source of available funds (please check all that apply):

    * Investment Objective (Please rate in order of importance to you, 1 being the most important and 4 being the least important):

    * Please list your highest level of completed education:

    * Please estimate your current portfolio percentages, totaling 100%:

    * Should I choose to make an investment, my investment amount would most likely be:

    * Certification of Sophisticated Investor Status (Please check the correct box)

    * Certification of Accredited Investor Status (Please check all that are true for you)

    * Certification of Non-Accredited Investor Status (Please check all that are true for you)

    * I confirm, by typing my name below and electronically submitting this form, that the information provided is current and accurate. I agree to sign a printed copy if asked.